Okay, so I know it has been 4 months since my last post. Things have been crazy so far this year, but it is no excuse. I have been neglectful of my blog. I promise to do better. Pinky swear. Today Emma had her first soccer game. What a fun time watching my baby play her very first game, ever. The name of her team is the Polar Bears, hence the white jersey's. So they lost, the only point scored for the Polar Bears was by the other team. Oh well, we will take what we can get I suppose. But after only 2 practices what would you expect? Emma got the ball two times, and ran towards the other teams goal two times! Here are a few pictures taken today. Enjoy. Today also marks the 1 year anniversary of my Uncle's passing. I just know that he was up in heaven laughing so hard at Emma going the wrong way. I am sure a couple of times I even heard him say, "Soonnn". We miss you Uncle Greg and hope you enjoyed watching Emma today. We love you!
Sweet times-enjoy making these memories-some of my best memories are of you and Adam in karate. You're right, I am sure the entire front row in heaven's stadium was filled watching this game and oh the laughter must have been rolling! I can hear them now!
I am the mother to two beautiful girls. Emma Catheryn is 7 years old and Hanna Jean is 5 years old. I have been married to the love of my life for 8 years. I am eternally grateful for God's graces that he bestows on me each and everyday. Life isn't easy some days, but His love sure is. I live each day for Jesus, and it is my desire that his light shine through my family.
GO Emma!!! Can't wait to see her play! She looks so cute in her soccer uniform!
Welcome back to BLOGGYLAND!! Hope you stay awhile!
***Okay, I can't help it...I wasn't going to type this...but--
The last picture CRACKS ME UP! The look on Emma's face says, "Looks like that girl has had too many UTZ chips!" =)
I know. That wasn't very nice. I couldn't help it!
Hey at least Emma had fun :)
I can't wait to watch you play your next game!
Sweet times-enjoy making these memories-some of my best memories are of you and Adam in karate. You're right, I am sure the entire front row in heaven's stadium was filled watching this game and oh the laughter must have been rolling! I can hear them now!
Good for people to know.
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