Hanna has grown into the most precious little girl. She is so kind, considerate, and loves to make people happy. Just the other day we were in the car and I asked the girls what they want to be when they grow up. Emma tells me she wants to be an animal doctor, and Hanna tells me she wants to be what ever I want her to be and just to let her know when she grows up. I love that kid!
We plan to celebrate Hanna's birthday this weekend with a small get together with family. We gave Hanna the option of a birthday party or Hanna Day where we do whatever Hanna wants to do. She chose the latter. We plan to have Hanna Day at the Land of the Little Horses. Nothing says party like a few mini horses. Wonder what the weight limit is on one of those things...hmmm? I'll let you know how it goes!
I have been working some crazy hours at work for the past couple of weeks, so I apologize for not posting more regularly. Hopefully soon things will be back to "normal" soon. Ever notice what a funny word "normal" is? The very meaning of it can vary from person to person, and I do mean vary. I will let you all about how the Land of the Little Horses go, but for now here are a some pictures.
Hanna's First Birthday with Nana:
5 wonderful years-the time goes quickly. Happy Birthday Hanna, Nana loves you a bunch. Wish I was there to visit the little horses with you. Get lots of pictures. Love, Nan
These pictures make me want to cry! Can it be that you are already 5? It was just yesterday that I watched you come into this world. {sigh}
Happy Birthday Sweet Hanna! You bring happiness to everyone that loves you.
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