This is precisely why the jewelery departments of all fine retailers cringe when they see us coming. Let me tell you, it was not easy untangling Hanna from her jewelery creation.
That picture is so adorable! AND, it makes me realize where the creator of the "Little Critter" stories gleaned ideas! Little ones are so creative and precious!!!
Well, why not just leave it? I mean, she is decorated now for when you have to go out in a hurry. And it doesn't look bad.. like a little Christmas tree. :-D
I am the mother to two beautiful girls. Emma Catheryn is 7 years old and Hanna Jean is 5 years old. I have been married to the love of my life for 8 years. I am eternally grateful for God's graces that he bestows on me each and everyday. Life isn't easy some days, but His love sure is. I live each day for Jesus, and it is my desire that his light shine through my family.
Precious, oh, and the jewelery is too!!!
Cute photo. Ours is up at burntofferings and more at my new fotoblog as well. Happy WW!!
bernies fotoblog
Oh Hanna-where did you get your baubles? I love you.
very nice
Uh oh! She's going to be expensive when she grows up! lol That is such a cute pic!
What a great entry for WW! She's ADORABLE and no words are needed:)
Very cute. I would not want to have to do the untangling.
What the " H-E-Double Hockey Sticks!"
Where was Mommy the fitting room? Hee Hee!
Love ya!
That picture is so adorable! AND, it makes me realize where the creator of the "Little Critter" stories gleaned ideas! Little ones are so creative and precious!!!
Happy WW!
she looks beautiful :)
I love a girl who loves her accessories!
She's such a little lady...let her have fun!
Oh, that is so cute. Did it hurt getting them out? (Her, not you!)
The picture is priceless. One she'll have to look back on and think, I've always had style.
Too cute!!
Happy ww!!
That reminds me of a time when Mimi got something entangled in her long hair.... ouch. Hannah looks so inocent...haha
Well, why not just leave it? I mean, she is decorated now for when you have to go out in a hurry. And it doesn't look bad.. like a little Christmas tree. :-D
How adorable is she! Happy WW
Okay, i know i probably shouldn't laugh but i just can't help myself! LOLOLOL that is just too stinkin' precious! So glad you captured that moment.
Bright shiny things always did it for me, too at that age. :)
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