Happy Birthday Mom! We just wanted everyone to know it is your birthday and how very special you are to us. We love you and hope you had a wonderful birthday! We thank God for you and hope he gives you many many blessings this year. Happy birthday, we love you Nana!
Saturday afternoon was beautiful here in Pennsylvania, so we decided to take advantage of it while we still can. Won't be this way for long. I decided to plan a surprise family fun day. We started off by going to Devil's Den in Gettysburg PA. The girls loved climbing on the rocks. That is until Emma went head first down one of the them. It sounds much worse than it actually was. Scared us both though. We then went out to dinner at an outdoor restaurant. I had a Shepard's pie and Will had what looked like a 3 lb. meatloaf. He made himself sick, and I didn't feel so well watching him eat it. Once we were done eating dinner we headed off to Thurmont MD for a moonlight corn maze. I was worried that this wouldn't go well since the girls never took a nap, but they loved it. Amazing what a flashlight can do. They walked all 2 miles and never complained once. We had a wonderful family fun day.
I am the mother to two beautiful girls. Emma Catheryn is 7 years old and Hanna Jean is 5 years old. I have been married to the love of my life for 8 years. I am eternally grateful for God's graces that he bestows on me each and everyday. Life isn't easy some days, but His love sure is. I live each day for Jesus, and it is my desire that his light shine through my family.